Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Life is Good... :)

Life is good!!!!!
I was released to resume all activities by my Cardioigist yesterday and I am feeling very positive about life and the years to come... 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

A Room with a View...

Our View for Sacrament Meeting today. We had a large enough congregation today to use the large Chapel. Who can deny the Devine power of our surroundings with a view like this.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Blessings of the "Word of Wisdom" plan

Had another great week and I feel almost human. 

In studing about CHF, I am so thankful for the gospel and the "Word of Wisdom" that we use as our standard of living. CHF can be such an overwhelming and lifestyle changing illness, but things like bad diet and giving up bad habits (drinking, smoking... Etc.) were easy for me, because they are just not part of my lifestyle. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect, there are things I have to give up, work on and change, but they are minor compared to some of the things on the list. I am so blessed to have a supportive family, who encourages, cooks with and loves me into being a better me.

 I am looking forward to spending the next 40 years... Just being ME!

Monday, January 5, 2015

It's nice to be home

It's nice to be home and feeling better, still no internet unless I go out to the store. So as you can tell I am out and about, today was my first dr. appointment since leaving the hospital and everything checked out good. Will return again on Friday for more blood work.
I made it to church yesterday, we had an amazing fast & testimony meeting among our little branch of 18. I am so excited to be able to study the New Testiment & The Life of Christ during this upcoming year. I am very grateful for all the blessings and opportunties that has and will come our way and we look forward to this new season in our lives.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Good Day for a Walk

We had a beautiful drive and walk from the car to the rim at El Tovar. It's always amazing how different the canyon looks each time we go.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Coming Home.... :)

I spent the day today feeling really glad to be home in my own bed, but feeling a little scared to be so far away from the doctors and the life saving options that where setting at my finger tips in the case the need may   rise. The other big change in my life is that I went into the hospital on no pills or supplements at all and came home with 6 different medicines. But as I was quickly reminded by my wonderful nurse that it was just pills and that most people in my condition goes home with oxygen too.

Thursday, January 1, 2015


As I lay here, starting the New Year out in the hospital, I have had some time to reflect on where I really want to be ten years from now and as We start this new chapter in our lives in a new home in a new state with new health challenges facing me, have cause to reflect and decide if I have really reached my PLATEAU or not and have decided that my new motto for the year is...